Your business is at risk if you don’t have ownership of one of your most important assets: Your audience. While a Facebook Page is convenient for connecting with customers, what happens when your account gets hacked, deactivated, or deleted? This happened to a client of mine.
Using Instagram for Blogging
A recent article in the New York Times showcased some high-profile influencers and celebrities using Instagram for blogging. It begs the question: With people connecting on mega-platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter – is blogging still worth it? Could Instagram ever replace blogging?
More Speculation About Facebook’s Future
There are some big changes coming to Facebook. Continuing the thread from last week’s episode, here is some speculation on how this might affect the Facebook Ad platform and a major change to the News Feed that Facebook is currently testing outside of the U.S.
Facebook Is Headed for Trouble: The Coming Storm
As the harsh spotlight illuminates dark posts, Russian ads and who-know-what-else, expect a backlash against Facebook. It may come in the form of regulations or user revolt, but it’s going to change Facebook a lot. It’s not a matter of if, but when. So if you use Facebook to promote your business or connect with customers, what can you do to prepare yourself?
How to Syndicate Content Safely on Medium
Have you been reposting your blog content on Medium? It’s a great way to extend your reach, and with Medium’s new “Import a Story” feature, it’s incredibly easy – and 100% safe for SEO. In this week’s episode, I give a quick overview of how to incorporate this into your content strategy.
Content Syndication: Safe SEO Practices for Your Blog
Duplicate content is bad for SEO – or is it? Content syndication, done properly, is not only safe – but encouraged. There are 4 methods for syndicating content, two of which I endorse for a clean and effective content strategy.
A New Direction for Medium: Can Ev Williams Save the Web?
In the Web’s pay-per-click model, you get what you pay for. A race to the bottom. The result has been fake news, click bait, and creepy ad bots. I’ve had enough, and it appears that Ev Williams has, too. Will he have the courage to make Medium (and Twitter, for that matter) better than just “an extension of a broken system”?
Medium for Business: The Benefits of Social Blogging
Medium has a ready-made audience and a algorithmic feed mechanism to get you in front of an audience that’s different than your own blog. Here’s how to coordinate the two – your blog and Medium – into a coordinated and effective strategy.
Building the Foundation of Your Content Strategy
In the fourth episode of “Marketing without the Marketing,” Michael Boezi talks about how to establish an online presence with The Three Pillars of Online Branding: Web, blog, and social.