Of the major platforms, there are only three that are motivated to help you put you in front of new people right now. Given how difficult is is to build an audience, should you accept the help and try one of them?
Content Marketing Has Changed
Have you noticed that social media is not as effective anymore? That your website traffic is down? That people aren’t opening your email newsletters as much? Content marketing has changed – a lot – over the past 5 years alone.
Repurposing Content: Blog Strategy 201
Repurposing content is one of the best ways to get more out of your blog as a small business. With some careful planning up front, you can think a few steps ahead and save yourself time – while building a set of content as a valuable business asset.
Building Anticipation: Blog Strategy 201
Building anticipation is a terrific technique for getting readers back to your site. Producing a blog series is a great way to achieve this. It has the added benefit of an SEO boost around one of Google’s strongest ranking factors as well. There are two strategies that I use.
Ethical Marketing Is Not an Oxymoron
Aggressive marketing tactics might have been effective in the past, but today’s consumers are more savvy. They see right through the lies, deception, and whitewashing. Ethical marketing is the only way to set yourself apart – to treat your customers with respect.
More Than Just a Showroom: Web Strategy 201
Competition on the Web is tough. You can’t just hang your shingle and expect people to show up. A basic website isn’t good enough anymore – it needs to function as a PATHWAY for prospective customers. Here’s how to make your website carry more of the sales load for you.
Content Marketing 201: Beyond the Basics
Have you noticed that some of the basic strategies behind your website, blog, social, and email marketing have started to lose some of their effect? That’s because content marketing is now mainstream, with everyone relying on the same set of tactics. Time to level up with Content Marketing 201.
Build, Connect, Optimize: The Three Stages of Good Marketing
A solid marketing plan has three stages, depending on the growth cycle of the business. In the season finale of Marketing Without the Marketing, I take a look back at the past year and how this has influenced my most recent projects.
SEO Is a Key Part of Any Marketing Strategy
SEO helps you tackle one of the most difficult parts of any business – finding new potential customers. What’s more is that Google will help you do this for free. Episode 135 is an overview of why it’s worth the effort to learn even just a little bit of SEO so you can take advantage of its marketing power.
What Is SEO and How to Unlock Its Power
Teaching is how we form a connection with a future customer. SEO is simply a signal that someone wants to learn – with a distinct data “signature” that offers clues about what they want to know. From there, it’s up to us to use that data to put ourselves in the best position to answer that question. Episode 134 is an overview of how to do that.
Charting Your Own Path
The challenges you face in starting a business are different than any other thing you’ll do in your career. Episode 131 is a summary of my 10-part series about the early days of my small business – my strategies, successes, and mistakes – so that you have somewhat of a roadmap in your own journey.
Productizing Your Knowledge
If your business involves teaching or training, then you are in a good position to create “knowledge products” out of your expertise. Whether you sell these “outputs” or use them for customer acquisition, a little planning up front can help you work towards something bigger in your content strategy.