All it takes is one lie. It can be a simple white lie, a half-truth, a mild misrepresentation, or a strategic omission. You may not even mean to lie – maybe you’re just excited about your product and you want the world to know how great it is.
But as soon as you cross the line into the faintest untruth, you undermine trust – and it’s hard to recover from this once you do. Given that today’s transactions have a trust requirement, it’s not worth it to be anything other than transparent.
Marketers used to be able to get away with this because information was scarce. Today’s consumers are simply better informed. They know about you and your product before you even get a chance to interact with them.
So, does what you’re saying about yourself match what your customers say about you? If it doesn’t, you might have a trust problem. And you might not get a second chance to untangle it.
Listen to the complete episode right here, or on iTunes:
Show Notes
I mentioned a prior episode of this podcast on Picking the Right Customers: This was a part of a whole “Customer Series” that I did earlier this year.
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