With a little planning up front, you can use your podcast to generate an audiobook: A new format you can sell for minimal ancillary effort.
Promoting and Syndicating Your Podcast
In promoting your podcast, it pays to be efficient. Automation is a key part of this, in syndication, social promotion, and email marketing. Here’s how to get set up.
Setting Up and Launching Your Podcast
Launching a podcast is different than a blog. Here’s how to do a proper launch to take advantage of Apple’s “New & Noteworthy” category.
Scripting and Recording Your Podcast
Anyone can start a podcast. What would yours be like? Let’s take a look at what it would take to get started, including a show concept and format, a USB mic, and free recording software.
Podcasting as a Strategy for Writers
Podcasting offers the ability to create a virtual “rolling book tour” to find new readers and turn them into fans. It’s simple to set up and run this strategy, even if you’ve never worked with audio before. Here’s an overview.
I Am Tired of Seeing Creatives Fail
It’s a shame when you see great art go unnoticed. I got sick of seeing creatives fail, so I wanted to do something about it. Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at how and why I created a comprehensive online course to help writers, musicians, and visual artists.
Repurposing Content: The Downstream Method
If you’re not repurposing blog content for your social posts, you are missing a huge opportunity to save time and effort. In this week’s episode, I cover how to reuse the meta description, the post excerpt, and the post content itself so you can streamline your social media activities.
Repurposing Content: The Upstream Method
Have you ever thought about writing a book, but can’t find the time? In this week’s episode, I lay out my entire blog-to-book process – from planning to execution. It allows you to achieve two goals at the same time: Completing a large project and building an audience while you do it.
How to Get Past Writer’s Block
If you’re running a business, you don’t have the luxury to succumb to writer’s block. Your content strategy depends on consistency, so you need to keep things moving. Here are a couple strategies that I employ, and I hope they will work for you too.
Getting Started on Your Book Project
Any book project is a daunting task. It’s simply too much to comprehend all at once. Here’s how to assess and organize the content you have, make some key decisions, and actually get the process started.
Things to Consider Before Starting Your Book Project
Writing a book is a huge undertaking. To make it more manageable, here’s how to use a blog as your first draft. Practicing in front of a live audience is not only good for your writing—it’s good for your business too.
Should Writing a Book Be a Part of Your Content Strategy?
Writing a book is not to be taken lightly. But it can be a fantastic strategy if it serves your business goals. Let’s look at the considerations to help you decide for yourself.