Social media is a lie. It promises a podium. But instead, it hires you to be unpaid labor. Can you still get something out of it? Sure, but we have to see through the misconceptions to find a smart strategy.

Stop Mimicking What Marketers Do
How to Change My Mind: An Experiment
Jessica Valenti changed my mind about cancel culture. How? By speaking with clarity and empathy. This serves as a great example of what I’ve been exploring lately in my new project, Consider the Source. This episode is available exclusively as part of this new project: Listen to it here. Wait, why? Marketing is about experimenting, […]
Consider the Source: Series Overview
Promoting and Syndicating Your Podcast
Now We Know
How to Attract an Agent, Publisher, or Label
Closing Up Shop
Making the Sale: Online Store Strategy 201
When to Use Facebook Ads: Social Strategy 201
How Small Businesses Can Survive the Coronavirus Crisis
Small Groups vs. Large Followings: Social Strategy 201
Domain Renewal Scams: How to Avoid Them
Measurement and Iteration: Social Strategy 201
Rethinking Our Social Media Interactions: Social Strategy 201
Social Is Not What It Used to Be: Social Strategy 201
Your Facebook Page Has Been Hacked
List Hygiene and Maintenance: Email Marketing 201
How to Market Your Book: A Complete Strategy in 5 Stages
Today’s successful writers are entrepreneurs. While this may seem intimidating at first, the good news is that building a business around your writing doesn’t have to happen all at once. It can be built little by little, in stages. Here’s a blueprint to get your content strategy in order, connect with the right people, and form a supportive community.