Writers hate marketing themselves – with good reason. Who wants to be annoying, aggressive, and always selling? Thankfully, there is an alternative that’s much more effective anyway. It’s content marketing, and writers in particular are finding its soft-touch methods to be a relief – and a lot more in tune with the buying behavior of today’s readers.

Build Your Author Platform: A Requirement for Today’s Writers
If you hope to be a published author someday – or to self-publish and sell your books yourself – your author platform is absolutely critical. In fact, it’s almost impossible to achieve any measurable success without an author platform. Here’s a quick overview of how to get started establishing your platform – for new writers and experienced writers too.
How to Make Money Writing
Today’s writers are empowered in ways that were simply not possible in years past. The writers who know how to take advantage of the new strategies and tools are reaching readers directly and charting new paths to success. Here’s an overview of the strategies and skills you’ll need to work towards financial freedom as a writer.
Build Your Content Strategy with These Four Essential Platforms
Live Training – Content Marketing for Creative Entrepreneurs
Content Marketing for Creatives This week we are holding live training on how to build and connect with an audience around your creative work. If you want recognition for your work, or to attract industry partners or create income from your creative passions and pursuits, then this LIVE Master Class is for you. We’re going to break down […]
Instagram Stories vs. Snapchat for Business (Episode 62)
Part 8 of The Social Media Strategy Series A couple weeks ago, Instagram launched a new feature called Instagram Stories. It's a direct copy of Snapchat Stories. The differences in feature set are incredibly minute, but the differences in context are potentially very meaningful. There's been a lot written about this move by Zuckerberg & […]
Snapchat for Business: How to Nurture Your Audience (Episode 61)
Instagram for Business: Brand Storytelling with Images (Episode 60)
Part 6 of The Social Media Strategy Series It's fun to create and share images. So it's easy to see why Instagram is one of the Web's most popular platforms. But under Facebook's ownership, Instagram is evolving quickly. What we're seeing is a series of strategic moves to make the platform much more brand-friendly. Perhaps […]
Respect Your Audience (Episode 59)
Your audience will come to you. Give them time. It’s not going to happen all at once, so be patient. Social media & blogging can be done in a pull fashion rather than aggressive, self-serving push tactics. Treat your audience with respect and let them make the decision when to buy from you. Given the opportunity […]
YouTube for Business: Where the World Goes to Learn (Episode 58)
Part 5 of The Social Media Strategy Series If you want to learn anything at all, you can almost certainly find a YouTube video showing you how to do it. Thousands of people have shared their particular expertise in the form of short instructional videos. People teach, and people learn. This simple exchange provides a […]
Google Plus for Business: Why It Still Matters (Episode 57)
Part 4 of The Social Media Strategy Series People think that Google Plus is dead. Another failed social network. But while it may not have turned out the way Google wanted it to, Google Plus is still an incredibly important part of any content strategy. And if you're not using it, you're missing out on an […]
Facebook for Business: Optimizing for Organic Reach (Episode 56)
Part 3 of The Social Media Strategy Series People think of Facebook as a social media platform. With 1.6 billion users, you could make a case that it's the social media platform. But in reality, Facebook is the natural evolution of network television it exists for the privilege of delivering targeted ads to us in between […]
LinkedIn for Business: What the Microsoft Acquisition Means for You (Episode 55)
Twitter for Business: Is It Right For You? (Episode 54)
Part 1 of The Social Media Strategy Series Welcome to the first episode of The Social Media Strategy Series, where I devote an episode to each of the major platforms to help you decide whether or not they will be good for you and your particular business. Your business is unique, as is the audience […]
Social Media Marketing: Choosing the Right Content (Episode 53)
Social media is an important part of any content strategy, so I'm devoting the next set of episodes to helping you strategize about how to get the most out of it. I always see it as an optimization problem. You want to focus on the right activities, in the right channels, to maximize your impact. […]
Social Media Marketing: 4 Strategies for Channel Selection (Episode 52)
It’s Not Content Strategy Without Planning (Episode 51)
Many people focus on the marketing side of content strategy, which makes sense. It's a means to an outcome. The goal is usually to enhance, or even replace, traditional marketing efforts. But with a good content strategy, you are doing much more than just driving awareness. It's about creating a reusable business asset. It's about […]
Episode 50: How to Get to 50 Episodes of Your Podcast
How to Find Your Superpower and Focus on the Right Stuff: Interview with Katy Tynan (Episode 49)
Whether you're an employer or employee, the world of work is changing. Whether you want to start a business or contribute to a business, it helps to understand the ways in which people are working differently, and how the relationship between people and companies is changing. That's why I invited Katy Tynan to the show this […]
Taking Your Social Media Strategy Seriously (Episode 48)
There are no shortcuts in building an audience. Forging deep connections with your customers take real effort. To me, that effort is worth it. Most business owners would probably agree that good relationships and trust lead to more customer conversions. We nurture those relationships in a variety of ways in person, on the phone, email, […]