YouTube is still the king of video, despite powerful challenges from Facebook and Snapchat. In Part 5 of the Social Media Strategy Series, I talk about how YouTube might fit into your overall content strategy, including how to monetize the platform.
Google Plus for Business: Why It Still Matters (Episode 57)
Part 4 of The Social Media Strategy Series People think that Google Plus is dead. Another failed social network. But while it may not have turned out the way Google wanted it to, Google Plus is still an incredibly important part of any content strategy. And if you're not using it, you're missing out on an […]
Facebook for Business: Optimizing for Organic Reach (Episode 56)
Part 3 of The Social Media Strategy Series People think of Facebook as a social media platform. With 1.6 billion users, you could make a case that it's the social media platform. But in reality, Facebook is the natural evolution of network television it exists for the privilege of delivering targeted ads to us in between […]
Facebook for Business: Optimizing for Organic Reach
LinkedIn for Business: What the Microsoft Acquisition Means for You (Episode 55)
LinkedIn for Business: Taking It to the Next Level
Twitter for Business: Is It Right For You? (Episode 54)
Part 1 of The Social Media Strategy Series Welcome to the first episode of The Social Media Strategy Series, where I devote an episode to each of the major platforms to help you decide whether or not they will be good for you and your particular business. Your business is unique, as is the audience […]
Twitter for Business: Is It Right For You?
Choosing the Right Content for Your Social Media Strategy
In this post, let’s turn our attention to the content you are producing. There are three considerations: 1. First, does it match your brand? What’s the tone of your brand voice? Is it serious or playful? Instructive or inspirational?What’s the best format? Written content, audio content, or visual content? 2. Second, What can you commit […]
Social Media Marketing: Choosing the Right Content (Episode 53)
Social media is an important part of any content strategy, so I'm devoting the next set of episodes to helping you strategize about how to get the most out of it. I always see it as an optimization problem. You want to focus on the right activities, in the right channels, to maximize your impact. […]
Social Media Marketing: 4 Strategies for Channel Selection (Episode 52)
It’s Not Content Strategy Without Planning (Episode 51)
Many people focus on the marketing side of content strategy, which makes sense. It's a means to an outcome. The goal is usually to enhance, or even replace, traditional marketing efforts. But with a good content strategy, you are doing much more than just driving awareness. It's about creating a reusable business asset. It's about […]
Episode 50: How to Get to 50 Episodes of Your Podcast
How to Find Your Superpower and Focus on the Right Stuff: Interview with Katy Tynan (Episode 49)
Whether you're an employer or employee, the world of work is changing. Whether you want to start a business or contribute to a business, it helps to understand the ways in which people are working differently, and how the relationship between people and companies is changing. That's why I invited Katy Tynan to the show this […]
Taking Your Social Media Strategy Seriously (Episode 48)
There are no shortcuts in building an audience. Forging deep connections with your customers take real effort. To me, that effort is worth it. Most business owners would probably agree that good relationships and trust lead to more customer conversions. We nurture those relationships in a variety of ways in person, on the phone, email, […]
Me as a Customer (One Tough Customer)
In the last episode (You as a Customer), I asked you to look at how you behave as a consumer your evaluation process, your criteria, and your buying process. It’s a good exercise to sit on the “other side of the table” so that you can have empathy for your customers. It helps you construct and present the right […]
You as a Customer (Turning the Tables)
How do you behave as a consumer? What's your evaluation process for a new product or service? Looking at your own process may offer some insight into how you present your offer to your customers and prospective customers. In working with clients and in my own business I find that a regular reminder about empathy […]
Social Media Strategy for Brick and Mortar Businesses: Interview with Laura Nunemaker (Episode 40)
Social media is often a big challenge for small business owners. Running the business itself is so much work how can you find the time to do the extra work of social media? And how can you make sure that those efforts actually yield a result? These are real challenges for real businesses. And in […]
How to Get Publicity and Other Media Coverage: Interview with Chris Well (Episode 37)
The great thing about content marketing is that it has allowed people to do their own marketing. You can develop your own voice and reach your audience directly. Having a fully developed content strategy involves more than just content marketing, though. Sometimes you'll want to employ traditional channel marketing as a part of your overall […]
Building Your Online Authority (Episode 36)
Start by helping one person. It sounds simple, but that's all it takes. Solve a problem for someone, and you've just taken the first step towards building your online authority. Then do it again. Repeat this enough times, and two things might begin to happen: They keep returning. It becomes a habit. What happens when they […]