Social media for business is more than just Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. In the season finale of “Marketing Without the Marketing,” I give a top-level blueprint of a cohesive social media strategy that maximizes impact and efficiency.

LinkedIn Pulse for Business: Baseline Strategies for Personal Branding
Periscope for Business: Using Live Video as a Marketing Strategy
Facebook Groups for Business: A New Approach to Marketing
Twitter Ads for Business: An Underrated Marketing Strategy
Medium for Business: The Benefits of Social Blogging
Facebook Ads for Business: Taking Your Social Strategy to the Next Level
Pinterest for Business: Are You Missing an Opportunity?
Using Social Media for Business: Strategies for Long-Term Success
How would you rate your use of social media for business? Has it been successful, or a waste of time? Whether you are just getting started with social media – or you’re in need of a reboot – here’s a collection of resources to help you focus your strategy and make better connections with your customers and prospects.