This podcast is for small business owners and freelancers of all types (including authors, writers, and other creatives). It’s about how to build an online audience without all the “icky” marketing. It’s a much more ethical, “soft touch” approach.
I’ve published 200 episodes since July 2015.
Read Me Out…?
Contemplating the future of this podcast. Should I keep going or would you rather just “Read Me Out?” Give a listen and let me know. The song is available in all streaming platforms.
The Only Three Platforms That Will Help You with Organic Reach
Of the major platforms, there are only three that are motivated to help you put you in front of new people right now. Given how difficult is is to build an audience, should you accept the help and try one of them?
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Maintaining Control of Your IP
If you hire an outside agency or freelancer to create or publish content, are they up on how to manage and protect your IP? Here’s a cautionary tale that comes up far too frequently in my work with clients.
I’m Leaving
Good or bad, transitions are the interesting parts of life. And I’m definitely in a transitional period at the moment. With that, here’s an announcement…
A Discount Is Not a Gift
The nuances matter. Even if you’re genuine about it, are you unintentionally signaling that you’re not trustworthy? I hope not. I also explain why I haven’t been publishing as many episodes lately.
2 Ways to Get 3 Points
The NBA is back as of last week, and it got me thinking about a metaphor that we can apply to our own work. What’s your style of play?
Right to a Response
When someone sends you an unsolicited email, do you owe them a response?
I Love Your Blog Post
My blog can’t be this great, can it? If I were to listen to the lies of scammers, I might start to believe that my blog is a must-read. I sincerely doubt that’s true though.
The Digital Representation of You (Episode 200)
I describe my work as creating “The Digital Representation of You.” In 200 episodes of this podcast, in my client work, and my new project, Consider the Source, I am rooting for your best ideas to make a positive impact on the world.
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Three Marketing Quiz Types and Their Applications
There are 3 different types of quizzes that you can use in marketing. Let’s look at the practical uses of each type and how to set goals, choose question types, and deliver meaningful results.
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No One Cares About Us
Social media is a lie. It promises a podium. But instead, it hires you to be unpaid labor. Can you still get something out of it? Sure, but we have to see through the misconceptions to find a smart strategy.
Designing the Perfect Quiz for Lead Generation
Like anything in content marketing, a marketing quiz has to be well-designed, well-constructed, and well-presented in order to be effective. Here are the 3 steps to create an effective marketing quiz.
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LinkedIn Is a Tough Scroll
Scroll through LinkedIn, and it’s cringe after cringe. A never-ending stack of performative, self-aggrandizing humble brags. It’s done in earnest, I’m sure. But in expressing our genuine excitement, is it coming off the wrong way? Let’s audit my feed.
How to Ruin a Good Customer Relationship
It takes years to build a trusted relationship with a customer. It takes one bad decision to lose it all in a split-second.
Four Principles of an Effective Marketing Quiz
A successful marketing quiz serves the user first and foremost. How do we design a quiz to solve a customer issue and think beyond just generating leads?
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Why Quizzes Are Good for Content Marketing
People like to talk about themselves. Let them. If you can open the conversation, you can start building the trust that you need to ultimately lead a customer to choose you.
The Ambient Awareness Test
There’s one question you can ask to find out if your messaging is getting through. I call this The Ambient Awareness Test.
Stop Mimicking What Marketers Do
How will we get our good ideas across if we are turning people off in the way we present ourselves to the world? Are we inadvertently giving people the wrong impression?
Finding Your Media Fit
Your “media fit” is at the intersection of 1) what you can produce and 2) where your audience congregates. Given that, what’s the best platform for you and your brand?
Consider the Source: Extending the Scope of this Show
If we want to create positive change in the world, it will take strong ideas expressed with clarity and empathy. To that end, I’m launching a new project called “Consider the Source” that audits the way we consume, share, and produce media.
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Using a Podcast to Create an Audiobook
With a little planning up front, you can use your podcast to generate an audiobook: A new format you can sell for minimal ancillary effort.
Turning the Page
It feels like a chance to reset. How will that affect our media diet – what we consume, what we share, and what we produce?
Promoting and Syndicating Your Podcast
In promoting your podcast, it pays to be efficient. Automation is a key part of this, in syndication, social promotion, and email marketing. Here’s how to get set up.
Setting Up and Launching Your Podcast
Launching a podcast is different than a blog. Here’s how to do a proper launch to take advantage of Apple’s “New & Noteworthy” category.
Scripting and Recording Your Podcast
Anyone can start a podcast. What would yours be like? Let’s take a look at what it would take to get started, including a show concept and format, a USB mic, and free recording software.
Podcasting as a Strategy for Writers
Podcasting offers the ability to create a virtual “rolling book tour” to find new readers and turn them into fans. It’s simple to set up and run this strategy, even if you’ve never worked with audio before. Here’s an overview.
Why Black Lives Matter Is Such a Powerful Slogan
Looking at it through a media lens, Black Lives Matter is precise and powerful as a slogan. It’s direct, efficient, and airtight as an assertion. Let’s unpack the phrase to understand why it works so well.
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Now We Know
It feels good to celebrate, with good reason. But record turnout revealed something about the coming challenges we face as a culture.
What Happens Tomorrow?
My hat’s off to all of you who shoved aside intentional roadblocks to make your voice heard. Whatever happens tomorrow, thank you all the same.
Empathy, Energy, and Ethics
A self-audit is not a bad thing to do, whether you are starting a business, freelancing, or seeking a job.
We Need Marketing More Than Ever
If we want to make change in the world, our best ideas need to be expressed with clarity, empathy, and a genuine desire to form a real connection.
Refocusing When Focusing Is Difficult
After a hiatus, I relaunch Marketing Without the Marketing with a new format, new focus, and new flavor.
Closing Up Shop
175 episodes is a long run. With all that’s going on, it’s safe to say that someone other than me should have the microphone. So I’ll be closing up shop for awhile. Here’s my reasoning, and a look into the foggy future.
Creating Urgency: Online Store Strategy 201
Time is running out! Perceived urgency can be a strong motivator to make a purchase. Here’s how we can carefully use urgency as a strategy, and why this is an advantage for small businesses over larger competitors.
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Employing Scarcity: Online Store Strategy 201
When a customer is ready to make a purchase, there are only two strategies you can use to gently influence them to complete the sale: Scarcity and urgency. Here’s a rundown of all the ways to use SCARCITY to up your conversion rates.
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Making the Sale: Online Store Strategy 201
Your online store is the last and most important point in the customer’s journey. In the first episode of this 3-part mini-series, I cover how to set up your store site, optimize product pages, and gather the data you need to make smart strategic adjustments.
When to Use Facebook Ads: Social Strategy 201
There are two cases where it really makes sense to run a Facebook Ad. But it cannot be a standalone strategy. Let’s look at what needs to be set up before you start running ads or boosting posts, so that you don’t spend your money on useless “eyeballs.”
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How to Support Small Businesses During the Coronavirus Crisis
Many of our favorite small businesses will not survive the pandemic. Now is the time to help our friends and neighbors who run small businesses, or we may lose them forever. Here are a few things we can do to help them weather the storm.
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How Small Businesses Can Survive the Coronavirus Crisis
The pandemic is having a huge impact on small businesses, including my own. Here are a few specific strategies to weather a prolonged downturn, and an offer to use what expertise and experience I have to help you directly, one-to-one, for free.
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Small Groups vs. Large Followings: Social Strategy 201
In Episode 168, I question the concept of getting a large social media following. Large numbers of “eyeballs” often don’t do us much good compared to the tight connections of smaller groups to cultivate an ardent community of supporters.
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Domain Renewal Scams: How to Avoid Them
Domain scammers have upped their game. I encountered a new variant of the Domain Name Expiration Scam recently. Episode 167 is about how to spot this new strategy and what to do if you are targeted.
Measurement and Iteration: Social Strategy 201
By treating our marketing efforts like an experiment, we can set metrics, collect data, analyze the results, and then make the necessary adjustments. Episode 166 is about how to put a simple plan in action to get better results from your social campaigns.
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Rethinking Our Social Media Interactions: Social Strategy 201
The algorithms are working against us now. Episode 165 offers two strategies to adapt to the new, more restrictive world of social media marketing: How to do an end-run around the algorithms, and three steps to lean into what is still the best part of social.
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Social Is Not What It Used to Be: Social Strategy 201
The glory days of social are over. Free organic reach is a thing of the past. What used to work is no longer effective. So, are there still ways for us to use social media to build relationships with an audience without having to pay-to-play? Of course there are.
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No One Wants to Read an Email Newsletter
Email marketing is one of the most important tools for any small business. Can we come up with something other than “email newsletter” to call it, though?
Your Facebook Page Has Been Hacked
Your business is at risk if you don’t have ownership of one of your most important assets: Your audience. While a Facebook Page is convenient for connecting with customers, what happens when your account gets hacked, deactivated, or deleted? This happened to a client of mine.
List Hygiene and Maintenance: Email Marketing 201
You can’t do good email marketing without maintaining a clean email list. Good list hygiene not only helps you save money, but it also helps you increase your open rate and click rate.
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Intermediate Automation: Email Marketing 201
Automation is key to today’s email marketing. Let’s take a look some more advanced automation techniques for when you are ready to go beyond a basic email newsletter strategy: RSS-based sequences and nurture sequences.
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Basic Automation: Email Marketing 201
Adding a little bit of automation to your email marketing strategy can help nurture “cold” leads without a lot of extra hands-on effort. Let’s look at two basic automations when you’re just getting started: Welcome sequences and follow-up sequences.
List Segmentation Strategies: Email Marketing 201
Good list segmentation in email marketing lies at the intersection of what’s meaningful to your audience vs. what’s important to you. If it’s one or the other, it won’t work as effectively. In practice, there are 3 distinct ways to segment your email list.
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Be a Part of the Community You Serve
Participation is a signal. When you are a part of the community that you aim to serve, it shows that you’re invested. That it’s important to you. That you care. Not only is it a way to develop trust, but it can also help you see emerging trends in your sector.
Content Marketing Has Changed
Have you noticed that social media is not as effective anymore? That your website traffic is down? That people aren’t opening your email newsletters as much? Content marketing has changed – a lot – over the past 5 years alone.
Repurposing Content: Blog Strategy 201
Repurposing content is one of the best ways to get more out of your blog as a small business. With some careful planning up front, you can think a few steps ahead and save yourself time – while building a set of content as a valuable business asset.
Are You Famous?
Are you famous? Have I heard of you before? Most of us don’t have the luxury of being able to answer “yes” to these questions. In a world where attention gets more and more scarce, what can we do to overcome this – without resorting to cheap stunts?
Building Anticipation: Blog Strategy 201
Building anticipation is a terrific technique for getting readers back to your site. Producing a blog series is a great way to achieve this. It has the added benefit of an SEO boost around one of Google’s strongest ranking factors as well. There are two strategies that I use.
A Simple Example of Ethical Business Practices
It’s worth highlighting ethical business practices since they are often the exception to the rule. This week’s episode breaks from the regular format of the show and presents a story from an experience I had last weekend.
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Optimizing for Search: Blog Strategy 201
Each post you publish is an opportunity to get found by a future customer. Let Google help you. Optimizing for search is one of the best things you can do for your business blog, and it should only take an extra 5-10 minutes for each post. Episode 151 goes step-by-step through my SEO Treatment Plan.
Ethical Marketing Is Not an Oxymoron
Aggressive marketing tactics might have been effective in the past, but today’s consumers are more savvy. They see right through the lies, deception, and whitewashing. Ethical marketing is the only way to set yourself apart – to treat your customers with respect.
Using Instagram for Blogging
A recent article in the New York Times showcased some high-profile influencers and celebrities using Instagram for blogging. It begs the question: With people connecting on mega-platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter – is blogging still worth it? Could Instagram ever replace blogging?
Creating a Pathway to Purchase: Web Strategy 201
What happens when a visitor arrives at your site? Do you have a pathway set up to guide them from that first visit through dozens of points of contact until they become a customer? If this isn’t all set up in advance – Web, blog, social, email, and online store – there’s little point in getting traffic to your site.
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Google Plus Is Shutting Down: What You Need to Know
Google Plus is shutting down on April 2, 2019. Here’s a quick overview of how (and why) to download all your data before it disappears forever.
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Beyond Getting Traffic: Web Strategy 201
We are obsessed with getting traffic to our websites. I want to challenge that concept, because let’s face it – random traffic doesn’t do that much for you. Web Strategy 201 is getting beyond just “traffic” as a goal and making your site much more active in the sales process.
More Than Just a Showroom: Web Strategy 201
Competition on the Web is tough. You can’t just hang your shingle and expect people to show up. A basic website isn’t good enough anymore – it needs to function as a PATHWAY for prospective customers. Here’s how to make your website carry more of the sales load for you.
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Content Marketing 201: Beyond the Basics
Have you noticed that some of the basic strategies behind your website, blog, social, and email marketing have started to lose some of their effect? That’s because content marketing is now mainstream, with everyone relying on the same set of tactics. Time to level up with Content Marketing 201.
The Internet Is One Big Rickroll Now
The promise of the Internet has been ruined by advertising. There is no article you can read, video you can view, or social feed you can scroll through without being interrupted by some advertiser’s desperate attempt to steal your attention. Every time I experience this, I feel like I’ve been Rickrolled.
The One Word That Diminishes Your Work
People don’t mean to diminish your work, but that’s exactly what they are doing when they use this one insidious little word. It undervalues your expertise and experience by making it sound simple – as a way to sell you on doing something, paying you less than you’re worth, or not paying you at all.
Build, Connect, Optimize: The Three Stages of Good Marketing
A solid marketing plan has three stages, depending on the growth cycle of the business. In the season finale of Marketing Without the Marketing, I take a look back at the past year and how this has influenced my most recent projects.
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SEO and the User Pathway
SEO always starts with a simple query. But it doesn’t end when the user finds your site. For SEO to be truly effective, we need to set up a pathway to serve the user more than once so we can build trust over time. And of course, this needs to be set up and ready to go before the first visit.
SEO Is More Than Keywords
Yes, keywords are important to SEO. But when you boil it down, SEO is about providing relevant, useful content to your human users. Google is able to measure what happens once the user gets to your site. Is it a good experience, or are there things you could be doing better in serving your users?
SEO: Write for Humans First, Robots Second
Google’s Web crawlers are assessing your website with every interaction. Are people getting what they need from your site? It turns out that when it comes to SEO, what’s good for humans is good for robots. Let’s look at some of the biggest factors that affect your ranking and how they are in tune with the human side of marketing.
SEO: Understanding the Google Algorithm
What is Google looking for in your content? While they are famously secretive about their search algorithms, Google reveals important clues with each major update. Let’s take a look at the key search factors and how to apply them to your SEO strategy.
SEO Is About Serving People (not Google)
People are at the heart of your SEO efforts. So let’s look past the keywords, page rank, and site traffic for a second and focus on the real point of SEO – connecting with your potential customers. SEO is about building the apparatus to find the people who are already out there asking for your help – and the pathway to deliver that help.
SEO Is a Key Part of Any Marketing Strategy
SEO helps you tackle one of the most difficult parts of any business – finding new potential customers. What’s more is that Google will help you do this for free. Episode 135 is an overview of why it’s worth the effort to learn even just a little bit of SEO so you can take advantage of its marketing power.
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What Is SEO and How to Unlock Its Power
Teaching is how we form a connection with a future customer. SEO is simply a signal that someone wants to learn – with a distinct data “signature” that offers clues about what they want to know. From there, it’s up to us to use that data to put ourselves in the best position to answer that question. Episode 134 is an overview of how to do that.
SEO: A Different Approach
SEO is one of the most important factors in any marketing strategy, so it’s worth the effort to learn the basics. It doesn’t have to be complicated, and anyone can learn it. Episode 133 is an introduction to my approach to SEO, and the start of a new series to teach you all the nuances of a good, sound SEO strategy.
The Power of Zero
The new season kicks off with a reset to zero! Let’s look at how creativity and business go together, and how you can rethink your own approach to your current project, job, or business.
Charting Your Own Path
The challenges you face in starting a business are different than any other thing you’ll do in your career. Episode 131 is a summary of my 10-part series about the early days of my small business – my strategies, successes, and mistakes – so that you have somewhat of a roadmap in your own journey.
Productizing Your Knowledge
If your business involves teaching or training, then you are in a good position to create “knowledge products” out of your expertise. Whether you sell these “outputs” or use them for customer acquisition, a little planning up front can help you work towards something bigger in your content strategy.
Building Your Email List
Email is your conversion instrument. It’s 40 times more effective than social media in this regard, so building your email list is one of the most important things you can do for your business. It pays to get started early, with a plan for segmentation and some simple automation as well.
Producing a Podcast: Pros and Cons
Have you ever thought about starting a podcast? It’s a great marketing tool, which is why I’m a big proponent of podcasting. Let’s take a look at the criteria for deciding whether or not it could be a good strategy for your business in particular.
Creating Effective Cornerstone Content
Cornerstone content supercharges your efficiency. It not only carries some the sales load, but it’s good for SEO too. With a little investment of time up front, it can pay dividends for years to come. Let’s look at why cornerstone content is so important, what it can do for your business, and a simple guide for how to get started.
GDPR and Email Marketing: A Simple Set-Up Guide
What is GDPR and how does it affect email marketing lists? Here’s an overview, with a practical way to be GDPR-compliant but not have to lose all of your subscribers. If you haven’t done this already, it’s not too late – but it’s time to take action so that you avoid a potential claim (and hefty fines).
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Making the Fear Disappear
We all start out scared. But in order to be successful, you have to learn how to quiet the voice of fear in your head. It takes time, but making the fear disappear puts you in a position of power. You make better decisions, attract better customers, and produce better outcomes.
Surviving the First Few Months of a New Business
In the early days of a new business, structure is critical. Otherwise, how can you be sure that you are spending time on the right things – and that you are building something that your customers want? Episode 124 is about testing your initial assumptions to make sure you’re on the right track.
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Why Pinterest Is on the Rise
Pinterest is often overlooked for business purposes. That’s a shame. Because Pinterest functions more like a “personal utility,” there’s potentially more alignment between a consumer’s goals and your business solution. Wouldn’t it be nice to have your message welcomed instead of avoided?
Finding Mentors and Models
What makes a great mentor, and more importantly, how do you know who will be the best mentor for you in particular? Here’s a rundown of the key things to look for – and key things to avoid.
Day 1 of Your New Business
The sooner you start interacting with and learning about your audience, the better. This starts on Day 1 of your new business – it’s too important to let it wait. A side benefit is that it gives you a system and structure for creating worthwhile content to serve your audience. Let’s take a look at exactly how to do that.
So You Want to Start a Business?
There’s so much to learn when you are starting a business, and the challenges that you will face are as unique as your own fingerprints. It will be up to you to chart your own path, but it helps to have a map. That’s why I created this 10-part series, taking you through my process as I built my own business.
Fixing Facebook: Why the Current Plan Will Fail
Mark Zuckerberg has vowed to fix the ills that have plagued Facebook over the past 18 months. There are 5 reasons why his plan won’t work.
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Facebook Zero: What It Means for Small Businesses
In the season premiere of Marketing Without the Marketing, we jump right into how the upcoming Facebook algorithm change is going to affect YOU as a small business owner. There are 3 big ramifications, and 3 things you can do to prepare yourself.
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Creativity Is a Business Imperative
You can draw people in with your creativity. Or you can repel them with annoying ads. We have a choice, and my strong belief is that the storytellers and artists will win, while the aggressors and interruptors will lose. Let’s commit to making every interaction with your audience either educate, inspire, enlighten, or entertain.
Advertising Offset Credits: Calculating the Cost of Ad Pollution
If we look at advertising like pollution, could we make the worst offenders pay a price for making us suffer bad ads? In this week’s episode, I explore the concept of Advertising Offset Credits and the cost of aggressive, self-serving advertising.
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More Speculation About Facebook’s Future
There are some big changes coming to Facebook. Continuing the thread from last week’s episode, here is some speculation on how this might affect the Facebook Ad platform and a major change to the News Feed that Facebook is currently testing outside of the U.S.
Facebook Is Headed for Trouble: The Coming Storm
As the harsh spotlight illuminates dark posts, Russian ads and who-know-what-else, expect a backlash against Facebook. It may come in the form of regulations or user revolt, but it’s going to change Facebook a lot. It’s not a matter of if, but when. So if you use Facebook to promote your business or connect with customers, what can you do to prepare yourself?
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From Adversity to Acceleration: Business Growth Strategies from Kelly Roach
Acceleration is something that most entrepreneurs seek, but often find to be out of reach. My guest this week is Kelly Roach, a former Fortune 500 executive who has an amazing story of career acceleration – both in her corporate career and in running her own agency. Kelly shares her story, along with strategies that you can apply to your own business.
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How to Make Sure You Actually Own the Rights to Your Content
Do you have someone creating content for you? A writer, designer, video producer, or developer? If so, you want to make sure that you have clear ownership of the rights to that content. Episode 112 is about the risks of not having an IP clause in your vendor contracts.
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The Customer Is Always Free to Go
You can’t force me to be loyal – that’s something you have to earn. Yet you see companies use a variety of methods to lock us in or make it difficult to leave. These cheap, short-term tactics may guarantee today’s revenue, but they will never add up to tomorrow’s loyalty.
Contracts Are Not a Trap
Signing a contract is often a big commitment for a client, and I want them to feel like the investment is low-risk. Here’s my counterintuitive approach to writing a contract that is clear and simple, fair to both sides, and starts from a point of mutual trust.
Why this podcast?
In the 10+ years of running my own business, I’ve learned a lot about how to best serve my clients. Content strategy encompasses a very wide range, so I provide a wide array of services. After all, each client is different.
But they all have one thing in common: My clients are building an audience using content. They are usually small business owners, freelancers, writers, or creatives. In other words, entrepreneurs of all types.
I help them with everything from strategy to tactics. Setting goals based on clear business objectives, building a strategy, and then executing it. Everything from writing, production, and deployment to measuring the results and iterating.
The purpose of this podcast is to show you how that’s done. I give you an overview of the principles behind content strategy to get you thinking about your own business – and I include questions and issues that come up in the real world working with real clients.
Subscribe now!
I publish a new episode about every other Monday. Get a brief email reminder (weekly or monthly).
Available (nearly) everywhere!
Marketing Without the Marketing is syndicated on nearly every podcast app:
- Apple Podcasts
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And dozens of other app-only players for iOS and Android. Let me know if it’s not on your favorite app, and I’ll see what I can do.
Lastly, please leave a comment or review – and most of all, ask questions! If there’s something I didn’t cover, let me know. Or maybe your question will even be the topic of the next episode!