Jessica Valenti changed my mind about cancel culture. How? By speaking with clarity and empathy. This serves as a great example of what I’ve been exploring lately in my new project, Consider the Source. This episode is available exclusively as part of this new project: Listen to it here. Wait, why? Marketing is about experimenting, […]

The Social Media Strategy Series: Wrap-Up
LinkedIn Pulse for Business: Baseline Strategies for Personal Branding
Periscope for Business: Using Live Video as a Marketing Strategy
Facebook Groups for Business: A New Approach to Marketing
Twitter Ads for Business: An Underrated Marketing Strategy
Medium for Business: The Benefits of Social Blogging
Facebook Ads for Business: Taking Your Social Strategy to the Next Level
Pinterest for Business: Are You Missing an Opportunity?
Using Social Media for Business: Strategies for Long-Term Success
How would you rate your use of social media for business? Has it been successful, or a waste of time? Whether you are just getting started with social media – or you’re in need of a reboot – here’s a collection of resources to help you focus your strategy and make better connections with your customers and prospects.
Instagram Stories vs. Snapchat for Business (Episode 62)
Part 8 of The Social Media Strategy Series A couple weeks ago, Instagram launched a new feature called Instagram Stories. It's a direct copy of Snapchat Stories. The differences in feature set are incredibly minute, but the differences in context are potentially very meaningful. There's been a lot written about this move by Zuckerberg & […]
Instagram Stories vs. Snapchat for Business
Snapchat for Business: How to Nurture Your Audience (Episode 61)
Snapchat for Business: How to Nurture Your Audience
Phase 2 of the Resistance to Social Media
Instagram for Business: Brand Storytelling with Images (Episode 60)
Part 6 of The Social Media Strategy Series It's fun to create and share images. So it's easy to see why Instagram is one of the Web's most popular platforms. But under Facebook's ownership, Instagram is evolving quickly. What we're seeing is a series of strategic moves to make the platform much more brand-friendly. Perhaps […]
Instagram for Business: Brand Storytelling with Images
Respect Your Audience (Episode 59)
Your audience will come to you. Give them time. It’s not going to happen all at once, so be patient. Social media & blogging can be done in a pull fashion rather than aggressive, self-serving push tactics. Treat your audience with respect and let them make the decision when to buy from you. Given the opportunity […]
Phase 1 of the Resistance to Social Media
YouTube for Business: Where the World Goes to Learn (Episode 58)
Part 5 of The Social Media Strategy Series If you want to learn anything at all, you can almost certainly find a YouTube video showing you how to do it. Thousands of people have shared their particular expertise in the form of short instructional videos. People teach, and people learn. This simple exchange provides a […]