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Content Syndication: Safe SEO Practices for Your Blog

Content Strategy, Content Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Marketing, Business, Strategy

Duplicate content is bad. Or is it? My sense is that it’s now fairly common knowledge among those who write business blogs that publishing duplicate content is a no-no in the eyes of Google.

However, content syndication is completely safe – if you do it right. And not only is it safe, but I’d actually encourage you to use it as a strategy, because:

  1. It can earn you more organic reach.
  2. Reuse of content make you more efficient.

This week’s episode is devoted to safe SEO practices when it comes to re-publishing your content. I cover how much you need to edit your posts, using 301 redirects, and the rel=canonical tag.

Show Notes

Here are links to the articles I mentioned in the episode:

Example of Content Syndication

Here’s an example of my own content syndication. I published a blog post and podcast episode on the same topic:

While they are based on the same content, you’ll notice that they are each presented a little differently to respond the differences in context.

Example of 301 Redirect

Here’s an example of using a 301 redirect. Sometimes when I publish something here on my business blog, I want to include it on my personal blog too. So I just use a redirect:

Using “rel=canonical” Properly

If you want to learn more, the folks at Yoast have a great how-to called rel=canonical: the ultimate guide.

Past and Future Episodes

Here’s the link to my episode called Respect Your Audience. If you provide enough value to your readers, listeners, or viewers – they will come back. Trust them enough to do so.

Next week, I’ll be talking about How to Syndicate Content Safely on Medium. And I plan to get deeper into strategies for repurposing content in future episodes – one of my favorite content strategy topics! Please subscribe to be notified, leave a comment below, or hit me up on Twitter.

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