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Content Marketing for Creatives

CreateBiz, helping writers, helping musicians, helping artists, creatives, creative business

A complete online course to help creatives build a business around their creative work, focused on the most difficult part – marketing. The comprehensive course is 42 video modules, with dozens of worksheets, templates, and guided assignments to help you get focused and efficient in your marketing efforts.

Content Marketing for Creatives is offered in three smaller courses so you can focus on the specific skills and strategies that you need to learn: Foundations / Outreach / Workflows.

What’s In Each of the Three Courses?

All three versions of the course contain Unit 1 of the comprehensive course, and each version comes with all of the accompanying worksheets, templates, and guided assignments for each module.

Build Your Website

Build a website to promote your creative work – and get your blog, social media, and email marketing strategy set up too.

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  1. Introducing CreateBiz
  2. Introductions: Your “10 to Know”
  3. Why Are You Here?


  1. Your Creative Business: Setting Up Shop
  2. The New Functions of You
  3. Defining Your Goals
  4. Defining Your Customer Profile
  5. Defining Your Content’s Function
  6. Branding Yourself


  1. Establishing the Foundation of Your Brand
  2. Website Basics: Setting Up Your Online Hub
  3. Website Components: An Inventory
  4. Blog Basics: Publishing Regular Content
  5. Blog Components: An Inventory
  6. Social Media Basics: Your Means to Connect
  7. Email Basics: Owning the Relationship
  8. Email Basics: Building Your List

Connect with Your Audience

Learn how to do the outreach necessary to find new fans – using a blog, email campaigns, and social media.

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  1. Getting Your Content Strategy in Order
  2. Building Your Narrative
  3. Cornerstone Content
  4. Email: What to Send, Subject Lines, and Segmentation
  5. Email: Analytics and Automation
  6. Content Organization
  7. Content Optimization


  1. Introduction to Social Media – Your Relationship Toolset
  2. Using Content to Activate Influencers
  3. Timing & Frequency
  4. Wrap-Up: Putting It All Together

Get Focused and Efficient

Learn how to integrate your blog, email, and social into systematic workflows so you can get more efficient in your marketing.

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  1. Blog Strategy for Writers
  2. Email Strategy for Writers
  3. Social Strategy for Writers
  4. Efficient Workflows for Writers
  5. Integrated Strategies for Writers
  1. Blog Strategy for Musicians
  2. Email Strategy for Musicians
  3. Social Strategy for Musicians
  4. Integrated Strategies for Musicians
  5. Blog Strategy for Visual Artists
  6. Email Strategy for Visual Artists
  7. Social Strategy for Visual Artists
  8. Integrated Strategies for Visual Artists
  9. Conclusion

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