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Repurposing Content Is a Part of Any Content Strategy

Repurposing content is one of the most important facets of any content strategy. It’s one of the single biggest things you can do to impact your business. Why? Because it makes you more efficient.

Forget the audience-building aspect of content strategy for a second. Just think of how many emails you send each week – to customers, to prospective customers, to partners, to investors, to your own employees. These emails are all content. Do you find yourself writing the same email over and over again, containing largely the same information? Answering the same question? Where the only thing that varies is the context?

That’s where content strategy comes in, and if you can do some planning up front, you can think a few steps ahead and save yourself valuable time – while building a set of content as a business asset.

I have a method for this, which I teach to my clients. It involves three different ways to repurpose content – here’s an overview of how to begin. Listen to the episode here or subscribe in iTunes.

Show Notes

This is the first part of what I think will be a 6-part series on repurposing content. Here’s what I have planned:

  1. Repurposing Content Is a Part of Any Content Strategy
  2. Repurposing Content Across Formats
  3. Repurposing Content Across Contexts
  4. Repurposing Content: The Upstream Method
  5. Repurposing Content: The Downstream Method
  6. Repurposing Content to Create an Online Course

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