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You Haven’t Tried Everything

Saying that you’ve tried everything is a form of giving up. Don’t let yourself use that as an excuse or an easy out.

The nuances matter, which means that you need to keep making small adjustments. Keep iterating. Find small successes where you can. Embrace the failures too, they are immensely valuable.

The “culture of success” puts a stigma on failure. This notion is poisonous, because it sets up false expectations. It adds extra pressure that you don’t need.

But even though there are always more things to try, how do you know when to stop? How do you know when the idea and especially your execution of that idea is not working? If you see your life as a series of projects, then it's OK to move on to the next project.

When I'm struggling, I always seek an outside perspective from people I trust. Sometimes you're so immersed that you're missing something obvious or you are actually closer than you think!

The post You Haven’t Tried Everything appeared first on Control Mouse Media, LLC.

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