You don’t need to have a book as a part of your content strategy. There are many different types of content you can use instead. But a book is still worth considering. It’s a great way to convey information in a cohesive, well-organized fashion. It’s a way to package up your expertise and sequence it properly for a reader to learn from you.
It can also do good things for you and your business:
- Authority. Your ideas will speak for you. You have the opportunity to be seen as a thought leader.
- Efficiency. You will have the best, clearest articulation of your ideas. No need to re-create it ad hoc.
- Propagation. The format lends itself to circulation, which means that your ideas will be spreadable.
- Accomplishment. Completing a project of this type sets you apart, and people will see you in a different light.
Only you can decide whether the investment of energy is worth it to you. In this episode, we take a look at the considerations around whether or not writing a book is a good strategy for you.