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Taking Your Social Media Strategy Seriously (Episode 48)

There are no shortcuts in building an audience. Forging deep connections with your customers take real effort. To me, that effort is worth it. Most business owners would probably agree that good relationships and trust lead to more customer conversions.

We nurture those relationships in a variety of ways in person, on the phone, email, and social media. So why is it that we tend to minimize social media? Is it because the results are harder to see? Or that bad uses of the platforms are more obvious? Or that we think that the connections formed are weaker or at least more shallow?

These are just tools to connect with people. How you use them makes all the difference. Social media is such an important part of any content strategy, that you have to take it seriously. It requires strategic planning and a carefully constructed set of tactics in order to be successful. It requires building your plan around clearly articulated business goals, setting metrics, and then measuring your success against those metrics.

Sometimes you can offload the operational tasks, but this is the voice of your business. Your voice. Don't risk that with a half-assed effort or by offloading it to a junior staffer. Even if you hire some help because let's face it, it's time consuming to do it right make sure that you are driving the strategy.

This week's episode gets into a few simple “mind shifts” to get more out of your content strategy for social media.

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