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Social Is Not What It Used to Be: Social Strategy 201

Content Marketing 201: Beyond the Basics

When social media gained wide usage among the general public, it was a godsend to marketers. You could reach a wide audience (for free!), build relationships with them, and gather a community of supporters.

Those days are over.

Like most media companies, social gave in to an ad-driven business model. The result is a centralization of power that has stamped out innovation in the sector. The majors are now pay-to-play ad platforms with little to no possibility of free organic reach.

I’m not saying to give up on social media entirely. But our social strategy has to change. Harboring old beliefs about how social used to work risks wasting time and effort on chasing windmills.

Episode 164 is a brief introduction to a 5-part mini-series on Social Strategy 201. Listen here or in your favorite pod player.

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Bonus: Maybe Johnny Rotten Was Wrong?

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