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Content Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Ethical Marketing

I am an Independent Advisor and Content Strategist, specializing in helping authors, writers, bloggers, and other entrepreneurs develop and implement a cohesive content strategy. We are all media producers now, forging connections over content. Don’t go into this without a strategy. Why?

Content = connection.

Your success depends on it. Here’s how I can help you.

For Small Business Owners and other Entrepreneurs:

Creating a business relies on making connections, whether you are building a product or offering a service. As an entrepreneur, you need a story that is clean, consistent, and compelling. One that generates excitement; one that carries. Your customers are your best marketers—but only if they have the right content at the right time. This can’t wait until the end-of-cycle. You have to start now.

Successful companies rely on continuous contact with customers, learning from them at each step of the process. Successful entrepreneurs know how to ask the right questions, elicit meaningful responses, and translate them into a product plan. Connection is everything to a young business; getting closer to your customer allows you to see things that others cannot.

This connection will happen around content. Make this a part of running your business. It’s not an add-on; it’s critical to your success.

You need a content strategy. You need to be able to tell your story. But more importantly, you need to empower others to tell your story too. There is no amount of marketing that you can do that will equal the power of a genuine advocate.

Content Strategy for Entrepreneurs

Building your credibility requires a clean, unified, and consistent story around your solution to the market problem. You have to start early; this is not an end-of-cycle activity.

For Authors, Writers, Bloggers, and other Content Creators:

While you were writing, the rules changed. In your favor. That is, if you know how to harness the power of the New Tools. Your success depends on two things: creating good content and connecting with an audience. You need a strategy, and I can help you. I was a publisher for 17 years as an editor and marketer, helping textbook authors conceive, develop, produce, and propagate their ideas. I specialize in non-fiction, because non-fiction authors are educators—but I take clients of all types. I am obsessed with Good Content.

Success as an Author

Whether you intend to self-publish or get picked by a traditional publisher, the path is the same. No agent or publisher is going to look at you if you don’t come to them with proof that you are a good writer with a strong following.

How do you achieve this? Recognize that your role has changed. In the New World, you are no longer just a writer. You are a publisher, and you are an entrepreneur. Embrace those roles.

How can I help authors?

Every author is different, and every audience is different. If you are ready for specific strategic help, I’m here for you.

Let’s get going.

You’re going to have 1,000 decisions to make. Don’t try to do this alone.

I will engage at any level. My rates are lowest for independent authors and small businesses, and the first “orienting” session is always free. Let’s find out if I’m a good match for you—I will not work with you if I don’t think I can help you.


Connect with me on LinkedIn for more detail on consulting services for content creators, content owners, and entrepreneurs, or contact me using the form below.

Or book a single session (or a set of strategy sessions) here and we’ll get started right away!

Book Session Now

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