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SEO: Write for Humans First, Robots Second

Marketing Without the Marketing offers respectful, soft-touch marketing strategies that are more in line with today’s consumers. This podcast is for small business owners of all types, including writers, musicians, and other creatives.

Part 6: SEO for Small Business

Unique, well-written content is the only way to be favored in search. This is good news, because it means that you can focus on the content you use to connect with customers. But you still need to pay attention to how Google sees your site when their crawlers do their crawling.

I believe that you attend to both at the same time. My mantra is: “Write for humans first, robots second.” Google has made it clear with each algorithm update that they believe this too.

In this week’s episode, let’s take a look at how to satisfy your human visitors and your robot visitors too:

Listen to Episode 138 here or subscribe in Apple Podcasts.

Show Notes

If you’re new to this series, the first episode is SEO: A Different Approach | The 5 Key Factors.

SEO Basics (Online Course)

If you’d like to get serious about honing your SEO strategy, I have an online course that’s based on the work that I do with clients each week. My aim is to teach you the techniques that will make an immediate difference to your business.

This course is structured for the layperson, and it includes:

Sign up here to be notified when the course is launched:

SEO Basics – Wait List

More info at:

With this podcast, I try to keep you up-to-date on new things that might affect your overall marketing strategy. I publish most Mondays – subscribe here if you’d like to be notified when new episodes are available.

I offer a bunch of free help with content marketing in my podcast and blog for small business owners of all types, including freelancers, writers, and other creatives. If you are able, fuel my efforts with a cup of coffee!

You can also support this podcast via Patreon.

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I also offer inexpensive help in my online courses, and do private one-on-one training as well.

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