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Podcasting Basics (Online Course)

Learn the basics of podcasting for small business in this online course from Michael Boezi, Owner and Managing Director of Control Mouse Media, LLC.

Core Concepts of Content Strategy
Instructor: Michael Boezi

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What’s in the course?

Podcasting is a great way to reach an audience – it’s an intimate medium that allows you to get close to your customers through the power of your voice. Podcasts are easy and convenient to consume for your listeners, and (fairly) easy to create.

This course teaches you everything you need to know to get you podcast up and running – planning, production, launch, and long-term execution.

Unit 1: Strategy & Planning

Unit 2: Content & Production

Unit 3: Launch & Beyond

Learn podcasting from a podcaster! Not only am I the producer and host of Marketing Without the Marketing (200+ episodes), but I train small business clients how to do produce their own shows.

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