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Pinterest for Business: Are You Missing an Opportunity?

Part 9 of The Social Media Strategy Series

Have you been using Pinterest for business? If not, it might be time to reconsider. They’ve added a bunch of new business-friendly features recently. In particular, analytics and ads – two things that enable you to run a smart, iterative content strategy. I’ve had a lot of luck with Pinterest Ads recently that I want to share with you. Listen to the episode for how to get started with some basic strategies.

The prevailing opinion is that “only women are on Pinterest,” leading many businesses to write it off. I’d urge you to reconsider this as well. Demographics tell only part of the story, and “in fact, in 2014 alone Pinterest saw 100% growth in the number of male users on the platform and those numbers are set to drastically increase as men realize the powerful benefits of the platform.”

If I’ve piqued your interest, maybe it’s time to start pinning – and creating a visual narrative around your brand. In this episode, I cover:

Listen here, or on iTunes.


Show Notes

Right after recording this episode, Instapaper announced that they were acquired by Pinterest. This should be interesting. Not sure if they will be integrating the two apps, but they share a common goal: Curation of great stuff from the Web. One for images, one for text. If nothing else, it shows that Pinterest is growing and evolving.

I quoted from this article in this episode: 11 Pinterest Myths Debunked (same link as above).

To set up your Business Account:

To get started with Analytics: Pinterest is doing a lot to help get people on board (pardon the pun) using this new feature set.

Lastly, I mentioned some of my own Pinterest boards:

Hope this gives you some great ideas for how to use Pinterest!

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