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Medium for Business: The Benefits of Social Blogging

Part 11 of The Social Media Strategy Series

Blogging for business is difficult. Especially when you’re just getting started. It takes a long time to build an audience, and there are no shortcuts.

If you’re a regular listener, you know that I’m a believer in pushing through anyway. The work you put in is worth it because there’s nothing more valuable than the attention and trust of an audience. In fact, it’s so valuable precisely because it’s so difficult.

Here’s a strategy that might help you though, especially if you are getting discouraged. Medium, a “social blogging” platform run by the folks at Twitter, might provide a boost. Medium focuses on long-form content, and it is an often-overlooked platform for business.

Medium has a ready-made audience, and delivers your content to your followers (and others via algorithm) via an e-mail feed. You can gain more a lot more potential exposure this way, which might help you boost your own blog. The downside is that it’s a lot of work to produce another set of long-form content separately from your blog.

But can’t you do both? Or is it bad for SEO? I believe that you can coordinate the two without succumbing to what’s called “digital sharecropping.” Listen to the episode to hear me discuss the considerations from each side of the two potential strategies you might use.

In this episode, I cover:

Listen right here or subscribe in iTunes.


Show Notes

In the episode, I mentioned creating a collection of your posts as a convenient resource for people. Here’s an example of this, regarding this series: Using Social Media for Business.

Jon Westenberg is someone who really uses Medium to its fullest. You can find Jon at:


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