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Me as a Customer (One Tough Customer)

In the last episode (You as a Customer), I asked you to look at how you behave as a consumer your evaluation process, your criteria, and your buying process.  It’s a good exercise to sit on the “other side of the table” so that you can have empathy for your customers. It helps you construct and present the right offer to them.

Sometimes it’s hard to be objective, though. So this week, let’s do a little role playing exercise. I’ll be your customer now. If you’ll indulge me, I’ll be One Tough Customer. I’ll purposely be hard on you, laying out all my entire process for evaluating you and your business. How do you stack up?

Today’s consumers are a lot more savvy, and have access to a lot more information about you. Before a purchase, they’re going to research you, read reviews, and ask their friends about you. They’re going to make determinations about you before you even get to state your case. It’s worth taking an honest look at your business and what it looks like through the eyes of today’s customer.  I hope that you find this to be helpful!

Show Notes:

In this episode, I finish up the customer thread that I've carried the past few episodes. Here are the others in the series:

The post Me as a Customer appeared first on Control Mouse Media, LLC.

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