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LinkedIn Pulse for Business: Baseline Strategies for Personal Branding

Part 15 of The Social Media Strategy Series

LinkedIn Pulse is a mixed blessing. While it’s a low-commitment way to get started with blogging for business, you really need a strategy to get the most out of it.

One of the good things about LinkedIn Pulse is that there’s no governing algorithm like Facebook’s. In other words, what you post gets seen by your followers.

But the fact remains that you need a large audience already in place if you want your posts to have any impact. That means that you have some decisions to make up front. Here are some considerations and two distinct strategies to help you with that.

Listen to the complete episode, where I cover:

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Show Notes

Here’s my LinkedIn profile: Since you can’t link directly to my Pulse profile, here’s a sample post – in Pulse – based on this series: Using Social Media for Business: Strategies for Long-Term Success.

I devoted another episode in this series to LinkedIn in general – you can find it here: LinkedIn for Business: Taking It to the Next Level.

But there are some people who are using LinkedIn Pulse way better than I am. Here are some great examples of them:

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