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It’s Not Content Strategy Without Planning

Content Strategy, Content Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Marketing, Business, Strategy
It's Not Content Strategy Without Planning (Episode 51)

Many people focus on the marketing side of content strategy, which makes sense. It’s a means to an outcome. The goal is usually to enhance, or even replace, traditional marketing efforts.

But with a good content strategy, you are doing much more than just driving awareness. It’s about creating a reusable business asset. It’s about creating a narrative about your brand, and making sure that all of your content is contributing to that narrative. It involves reusing content for multiple purposes, in different contexts—and being smart about the planning process so that you can actually create your content with that in mind.

In that way, a good, sound content strategy makes your business more efficient. It goes way beyond “getting the message out” to potential customers. So how do we get started with the planning process? In working with clients, here’s a rough overview of how I guide them through the beginning stages of designing their own content strategy.


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