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Instagram Stories vs. Snapchat for Business

Part 8 of The Social Media Strategy Series

A couple weeks ago, Instagram launched a new feature called “Instagram Stories.” It’s a direct copy of Snapchat Stories. The differences in feature set are incredibly minute, but the differences in context are potentially very meaningful.

There’s been a lot written about this move by Zuckerberg & Co. (Facebook owns Instagram), some questions raised, and some predictions. But I wanted to look at what this might mean for small businesses who are – or thinking about – using visual content to form connections with their audiences.

In this episode, I get into the advantages and disadvantages of Snapchat and Instagram – and some strategies for how to apply them to your particular business.

Listen here, or subscribe in iTunes.


Show Notes

In the episode, I made a joke about how I’m a lot of things – but rarely entertaining. A nicer way to say it is that my inclination to educate rather than entertain. Here’s a relevant example of that in my music in a song called Stupid Gutenberg. It’s about the Shift to Digital and how we’re hip deep – today – in something even more revolutionary than the Gutenberg press.

Yes, that’s me “singing.” You tell me if you’d consider it to be entertaining. If you don’t want to read the post that goes with it, here it is on Soundcloud:

To see how I use Snapchat and Instagram, find me at @mboezi.

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