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More Speculation About Facebook’s Future

After I published last week’s episode about the coming storm for Facebook, I learned a couple new things on the topic that I wanted to share with you. Given that it’s a short work week for most of you, I wasn’t intending to publish this week. But also, I couldn’t wait – so here it is.

  1. The first thing I learned is about how certain changes to the platform are going to affect Facebook Ads in particular – especially for small businesses.
  2. The second thing is about some major changes to Facebook’s “News Feed” that they are currently testing outside the U.S. and Europe.

Listen to Episode 115 to learn more about these speculations – and see below for some credit where credit is due.

Show Notes

First of all, to catch up on last week’s episode: Facebook Is Headed for Trouble: The Coming Storm.

I’m a podcast junkie – I listen to a hundred times more episodes than I produce. A special hat tip to two of my favorite podcasts for teaching me something new this week. You should give both of them a test drive:

The article that Scott and Allison referenced about changes to Facebook’s News Feed is called Why Facebook Is Terrifying Publishers With a New Test, published in NY Magazine.

Lastly, the way to protect yourself and your small business from these changes is to get serious about your email list. I’m going to be doing a bunch of episodes on this next season, so please subscribe if you want me to remind you. If you can’t wait, I’ve got a bunch of material on email strategies my online course, including automation and segmentation – a requirement for today’s marketers. It doesn’t have to be spam – it can be valuable and even anticipated, if you do it right.

And of course, I do one-on-one training as well – reach out if you want to get on my calendar in 2018.

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