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content strategy, content strategy planning, content strategy templates, content marketing, social media, marketing tools

Planning tools, worksheets, and templates – all the things you need to run your own content strategy.

Content Strategy Toolset

A list of all the tools that I use regularly in my own content strategy—and with my clients too. Includes tools for building and maintaining your website, publishing optimized blog posts, deploying social posts, and then monitoring and measuring your progress. Updated 2/5/19.

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Podcasting Equipment List

An up-to-date list of recommended hardware and software for podcasting. Includes price ranges and direct links to purchase. Updated 11/15/20.

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Blog & Social Checklist

A step-by-step, pre-flight checklist to help you create and deploy optimized blog posts, and then share them strategically on social media. Updated 2/5/19.

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Blog & Social Template

A simple template with all the elements you’ll need for each blog post, including a model blog post of mine so that you can see how it all works in practice.

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Social Content Planner, Non-Twitter

A plan for what you will post on social platforms other than Twitter. It also serves as a record of when you posted so that you don’t have to hunt for the post later. Can be used for original content and curated content.

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Social Content Planner, Twitter

A plan for what you bulk load into Twitter. It also serves as a record of when you posted so that you don’t have to hunt for it later. Can be used for original content and curated content.

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Short Link Repository

A roster of all your short links for easy reference. You want to be able to use your best content over and over again, and this helps you be more efficient by collecting all of your relevant links in one place.

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