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Building Your Online Authority (Episode 36)

Start by helping one person. It sounds simple, but that's all it takes. Solve a problem for someone, and you've just taken the first step towards building your online authority.

Then do it again. Repeat this enough times, and two things might begin to happen:

  1. They keep returning. It becomes a habit. What happens when they need specific help not just a blog post, podcast, or video? In their mind, you are the authority. It's not too much of a jump at that point for them to make the transition from audience to customer.
  2. They share with others. If you're providing enough value, and your content is optimized for propagation, it will travel. You'll gather more and more social proof, a larger audience, and more chances for people to start the journey towards becoming your customer.

This used to be inefficient in the analog world. It wasn't sustainable to stop your day to help random people solve their random problems. Today, helping one person is the same as helping thousands of people at the same time. Powered by widespread digital connectivity and easy shareability, the time cost went down a lot.

It still takes time to create and publish great content, without a doubt. But beyond feeling good about helping people, the effort pays off. When you're seen as an authority, it opens up all sorts of possibilities to you. If you are producing consistently relevant content that your audience finds valuable, then your authority is going to rise.

The post Building Your Online Authority appeared first on Control Mouse Media, LLC.

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