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Beyond Getting Traffic: Web Strategy 201

Marketing is more than just getting traffic to your website.

Content Marketing 201: Beyond the Basics

We are obsessed with getting traffic to our websites. I want to challenge that concept, because let’s face it – random traffic doesn’t do that much for you. Web Strategy 201 is getting beyond just “traffic” as a goal and making your site much more active in the sales process.

Site visitors are real human beings who have arrived from one of three predominant places: 1) Search, 2) Email, and 3) Social. So how do we take them from that first visit through to a making a purchase? Let’s look at that in Episode 146 – including why Facebook Ads aren’t a good strategy for small companies like yours and mine.

Show Notes

Marketing Without the Marketing is now available on Spotify! Here’s the link, if that’s where you listen to podcasts:

If you are able, fuel my efforts with a cup of coffee!

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